Cancel KvK postal address at Vrijdaggevoel

There will come a day when you no longer want to use our services. Of course, we want to help you make that happen as smoothly as possible. There is one specific check we always check first. That is whether your company is still registered at Staete Vrijdaggevoel's address. It may be that you are no longer registered at Staete Vrijdaggevoel. In that case you can cancel your registration directly. You can do this on this cancellation page.

So check first if your company is not registred at the KvK register at Staete Vrijdaggevoel's address.You can do this by typing your company name or KvK number in the KvK's website search field.

Still registered at Staete Vrijdaggevoel address?

Turns out that your company is still registered at Staete Vrijdaggevoel's address. If so, you must first complete your deregistration. You can do this in two ways.

Option 1: Send by paper

Arrange this by filling out Form 14 and sending it to the Chamber of Commerce. You must or form 14 fill in the part number 5: "address and/or correspondence address".

Change this to, for example, your private address or your new business address. Print out the completed form. Sign the form, attach a copy of identification and return the forms to the Chamber of Commerce.

Since you are currently registered in Cuijk. Please send the form + copy of identification to the following address:
Kamer van Koophandel
Postbus 735
5600 AS Eindhoven

Option 2: Change your business address online 

Changing your business address can also be done online. You can do this through this page at the Chamber of Commerce. Follow the process here and arrange your address change digitally. This is probably the quickest and easiest way.

Do you need help with your deregistration from the Chamber of Commerce?

Want to deregister from the Chamber of Commerce (KVK), but can't manage. We can help you so you are correctly deregistered. Order the deregistration service once and we will help you deregister from the Chamber of Commerce.

Meanwhile, check for any outstanding invoices

You have changed your address. Sometimes this can take up to several days. Do you have any outstanding invoices? Finally, check whether you have paid these outstanding invoices. If you are deregistered from the address 'De Nieuwe Erven 3, 5431 NV Cuijk' and you have paid your outstanding invoices, then your deregistration is immediately approved after you have completed the cancellation form.

Your change of address has been implemented at the Chamber of Commerce: you can cancel now :-)

If you are deregistered from the address of Staete Vrijdaggevoel and the address has been changed in the trade register. Check this yourself at the KvK trade register. If the address is no longer 'De Nieuwe Erven 3, 5431 NV Cuijk', you can cancel your agreement immediately. It is important to note that you can only fill out the form when you are deregistered from Vrijdaggevoel's address. Not before.